Thank you (in advance) for sponsoring me!

Hello Dear Friends!
Those of you who know me, know how much I love all animals, and especially, cats!
I also love VOKRA (Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association) and how they care for cats that are abandoned, unwanted, or orphaned. They are a no-kill, non-profit, registered charity dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and re-homing of homeless or unwanted cats. Wow. I'm very grateful for what they do!
This year I'm participating in their 6th Annual Walk for the Kitties on Sunday, September 13th in Vancouver. I'm super excited! I'm asking everyone I know and more to sponsor me on this walk.
You may know this wisdom from Mahatma Gandhi: The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Perhaps the same can be said about humanity. Together we can be great!  
Thank you so much for helping me to reach my goal ($2000!) and support the kitties of VOKRA! 
I know we can do it!

Just like all beings,
May all cats be happy and healthy and cared for and loved.

much Love
~ Moni

p.s. It's easy & simple to sponsor. Just go to my giving page at CanadaHelps. Thank you! 

p.p.s.  I'm on 'Team Tuffy'!  See his photo and read about him here. He's the perfect kitty to pray for and for the practice of Tonglen, a Buddhist breathing meditation. Breathe in the suffering and breathe out peace and healing. 

p.p.p.s  Perhaps you know of another animal/cat lover that you could send this to? Thank you! 

p.p.p.p.s. !00% of the monies donated for this walk go directly to VOKRA. 
And, if you're a Canadian, you'll receive a tax receipt.
