A Feast of Roses!

I've been in rose heaven! 
It started at home yesterday with a beautiful silver bowl of roses (and shasta daisies and feverfew).

Then in the afternoon the Vancouver Rose Society hosted their annual Open Gardens event where members of the society open their gardens to visitors. My mom & I shared this incredible adventure together (with our umbrellas ready!). We delighted in visiting 3 local private rose gardens. I so enjoyed this!

The first garden is a few blocks away on the same street as us! I've enjoyed this garden for years and it's where I saw the sign for the Rose Show that I attended last weekend. (I posted about it here.) Sanda Simic is the rose garden goddess here.

'Rock & Roll'

'Love & Peace'

Not only the breathtakingly beautiful roses, but also the serene sounds of wind chimes serenade visitors and passersby.

Thank you, Sanda!

The second garden we visited in Kerrisdale is the home of master magician rose whisperer Alister Browne. He wins prizes for his roses. Lots of them. This rose is called 'Color Magic'. His roses were very well labeled. At some point, it occurred to me to record the rose names. I could instantly see why Alister wins the prizes. Such exquisite beauty!

While visiting this garden, the sun came out and dragonflies danced around us!

'Love & Peace'

Alister's prizes from the Vancouver Rose Show 2012.

Including 'Most Meriterious'!

'Sheila's Perfume'

'Belle Epoque'

These are the beauties that won the 'Most Meritorious' award this year.

'Remember Me'




'Pretty Lady'

Thank you, Alister & Missy! 
I am so inspired.

The third garden visit (we were almost rosed-out by this point!) took us to Janet Wood's gorgeous garden in Southlands. Lovely hot sun graced us here.

'Hot Cocoa'

Thank you, Janet!


~ Rumi 


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